Next up on the guest blog is Chloe, who is my cousin and a great make up artist - check out her Instagram account @chloeshanamua
Hi, I’m Chloe and I’m a Makeup-artist from Scotland. I have been doing makeup for 5 years now and love every moment of it. I’m going to share with you a few of my tips and tricks to get the perfect eyeshadow, whether you’re looking for a simple eyeshadow to go and do the weekly shop or just want to try out something new. Grab your makeup, a cup of tea and have a play around.

Tip 1 : Prep and prime No one wants to get half way through the day and notice that their eyeshadow has creased and cracked, so the best tip is to always use an eyeshadow primer. This will make sure that your shadow lasts all day, will also bring out the pigmentation and it’s even all over.
Tip 2 : Tools and Brushes The perfect brushes make the world of difference. Step away from the spongey eyeshadow applicator and add a few blending brushes to your makeup bag. You don’t need to spend a fortune to get amazing brushes, but you’ll definitely notice the difference a good brush makes to the blend of your shadow. Most brands have sets of brushes giving you all the brushes you’ll need in the one place. Tip 3 : Build the colour up When it comes to shadow start off with the light shades and build the colour up. There’s nothing worse than putting too much black or dark shadow on and trying to blend it out! Start with the light shades because it’s easier to add rather than take away. Plus it will make the whole process easier.
Tip 4 : Work with your eye shape Knowing your eye shape and what works for you. Eyeliner can work for any eye shape, some can get away with thick winged liner whereas others just a thin liner, but a quick research on google will bring up a multitude of suggestions for each eye shape, and what will work for you. Tip 5 : Lower lash line Don’t forget the lower lash line, adding a bit of colour underneath will bring the whole look together and make it look complete. If it’s more of a natural look add a light wash of colour or for darker looks adding that smoke underneath, I reckon you’ll notice a big difference!
Bonus trick : If you get mascara on your eyelid or smudge it anywhere, let it dry then take a clean mascara wand or cotton bud and it will come right off! So that’s 5 of my tips to perfect your eyeshadow. Just the same as everything though, practice makes perfect. The more you play about the better you’ll get. But for me the most important thing is...HAVE FUN! It’s a form of art which in my eyes should be fun, there’s no real rules to how you do your makeup and at the end of the day you can just wipe it off. I hope some of these tips and tricks help, but if you’ve any questions feel free to head over to my social media pages (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) all @chloeshanamua and DM me, I’ll be more than happy to help .